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Conformal Cooling Assessment

Investigate the use of Conformal Cooling for your product

€ 10,000*

Service Description

FXC Reference Number: TIMR39628 Conformally cooled injection mould tools closely follow the shape of the part being moulded. Allow IMR to fully unleash the design flexibility of Additively Manufactured tool steel to give you the competitive advantage you need. What to expect: We will review your mould to give you the answer on whether Conformal Cooling gives you that edge. This review will consist of: • First pass mould filling analysis and temperature mapping • Draft conformal cooling line design • Conformal temperature mapping and analysis To complete this we will need CAD files (part and mould if possible), proposed polymer material, draft processing parameters etc. This service is typically delivered virtually, via Microsoft Teams meetings and email exchange. What you takeaway: • Appreciation of conformal cooling applied to your specific need • The opportunity to take the next step in using an actual conformal cooling tool in production This service is designed for: • Enterprise (e.g. Manufacturers) This service must be booked after: • Digital Maturity Assessment; or • Digital Maturity Assessment for Industry.

* By booking the service you have agreed to the Terms of Use listed in Terms & Conditions. Up to €60,000 in discounts available per
   enterprise or public organisation. Restrictions apply to ensure fair access to discounted services for all FXC users.

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